Monday 2 November 2015

Use Cavity Wax to Protect Your Car Cavities from Rust

Rust attack is inevitable in any car after you use it on road for a while and hence car owner must take proper steps to safeguard its car from the damaging menace. You should know that it’s the car cavities, such as the nooks & crannies & all hidden crevices are not usually as strongly protected during the painting procedure as the car’s exterior panels. Hence it’s needless to mention that you have to be more careful about your car cavities once you get your steam from the dealership. If you are hopeful about a long camaraderie with your car, you must take measures to protect the car cavities from rust on time.

There are cavity wax sprays today that help to prevent rust on your car’s cavities. These sprays could be solvent-free or solvent-based. The cavity wax spray displaces the moisture formed on the car nooks & crannies  & leaves back a sticky coat of wax over the metal that prevent any further moisture attack on the cavities. It’s advised to apply the cavity rust-proof wax under direct sunlight to assure good penetration in every seam. The cavity wax protection is especially needed in damp weather situations as humidity is notoriously conducive to moisture formation and consequently rust.

Below is a brief on how to apply the spray on your car cavities.

Step 1:

First of all, jack your vehicle up & rest the car on at least 4 axle stands. You must come up with the needed protection for your clothing and eyes as you would have to work underneath the vehicle.

Step 2:

Next, clean up dirt & debris from the drain holes of your car. Then, simply spray the cavity wax into cavities to create an even layer. Keep going with the spray till it goes to panel gaps and the holes. Make sure the coating is not insufficient for coverage.

The wax spray dries quickly and hence you won’t have to wait for long to get out on the road once again.

Many car owners make the mistake of not investing in a cavity wax spray given the fear of extra cost but what they don’t understand is that this is a very necessary extra. A little protection now would save your headache, heartache & empty pocket syndrome later on.

However, it’s to note here that the cavity wax protection is no one-time job. It must be done annually, especially with the approach of damp & cold season.

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