Sunday 22 November 2015

Protect Your Car from Rust with Auto Undercoating

Rust is a common menace for every car and something which is unavoidable if proper protection is not taken in time. While on road, your car will obviously come into contact with water, ice or salt which together with oxygen in the air spell disaster for the car’s metal body. This is where auto undercoating comes in. Car undercoating forms a thick coat on the car’s body which removes the rust and prevents the further corroding effect of water, ice or salt, when the car is out on road.

Types of Undercoating

Water & Paraffin-Based Ones

The water-based ones form thin coats that dry up much quickly are really popular among car owners. The paraffin ones come with wax coatings which assure stronger coats over water-based ones.

Petroleum & Rubber-Based Options
The petroleum-based options are manufactured from oil & carry stronger deflective capacity for the road salts & grime. The rubber-based options are especially good when you have to take your car to the rough terrains.

Asphalt-Based Undercoats

These undercoats are used on the all-terrain & military vehicles. Mostly meant for vehicles deployed on heavy & rigorous road use, the asphalt option assures the strongest lasting.

How to Apply Auto Undercoating On Your Car

Things needed:

•    Grinder

•    Degreaser

•    Primer

•    Metal sandpaper

•    Paint

•    Undercoating

1st Step- Clean Thoroughly

First of all, you would have to clean up the whole underside of your car degreaser. Then, take the grinder to remove all the rust spots & wipe the dust away. Sand down the smaller rust-affected areas with your metal sandpaper.

2nd Step- Painting & Priming

Now, you will have to prime up the cleaned spots with primer & then leave it for a while till the primer dries. Then, you will cover up the areas with dark black auto paint & allow it some time for a good dry.

Final Step- Undercoating

When the paint has dried completely, you would have to come up with the auto undercoating spray. In most of the cases, you might need a paintbrush to apply the undercoat. Be generous with the application and make sure to cover all the parts of your car’s underside that are exposed to road. There must be minimum 1 hour of gap before you put on your thick second coat. The second coat should e left for overnight for a complete dry before you start the engine once again.

Monday 16 November 2015

Rust Prevention for Car Made Easy With These Steps

When it comes to car damage, rust is one of the most menacing factors. Once the bug gets into your, it starts to corrode the car parts gradually, leading to untimely decay. But you can prevent rust and protect the car from corrosion for long, if you are careful about certain steps. The post here offers expert tips that will ensure optimum rust protection for cars.

Be Meticulous With Cleaning

Your car should get a thorough wash once in every 14 days. In case, it has been on wet roads splattered with salt, a once-a-week wash is practical. Then, you must get the car waxed once in every 4 months.

Don’t forget to clean up the interior of the car as well. The spills and splashes inside the vehicle can accelerate the undesired rusting effect.

Salt Alert

Salt accelerates rust like no other. Hence, if you are staying near ocean, you should make sure to clean up your car every week. The same process should be followed for the winter months when you have salt on road. Don’t let dirt sit on your car as it would only steady the corrosion process. So, be extra careful with the wheel wells & car underbody.

Invest in Car Rust Inhibitor

Just a regular cleaning routine won’t suffice alone. You have to invest in a rust inhibitor for cars.  These sprays are even more useful when you are in a salty climate. The rust inhibition sprays will form a protective coating over the car body that will prevent the water, salt or ice on road to attack the car. The spray might be flammable and hence use it only when your engine has cooled down. After the first coat, wait for some time, say an hour, prior to applying the second round. Do not use the spray on mufflers or exhaust.

The rust preventive spray should be sprayed before long rounds of inactivity.

Cover up

When your car is not in use, you must make sure to cover it up with a fitting cover. Make sure the cover uses breathable fabric so that there is no chance of moisture getting trapped inside.

Check the Car for Rust

You must make sure to check the car for rust from time to time especially the main 3 regions like trunk & engine, undercarriage of your car & painted external parts. In case, you see rust, remove the rust immediately and protect your car with auto undercoating.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Why Should You Get Rust Proof Wax For Your Car?

Your car is one of your most treasured assets and you are definitely looking forward to relish a lengthy ride with it. But, you must know that a lot of cars succumb to untimely decay due to the careless attitude of their owners towards rust and corrosion. Rust is simply evil for the cars & your car is susceptible to corrosion every time its metal body comes into contact with dirt, ice, salt or water on the road. While you can’t prevent the contact, you can definitely do something to prevent the rust formation on your car. You have rust proof wax sprays these days to help you out.

The wax spray helps to prevent rust on your car inside-out. It inserts wax into vehicle cavities, nooks & crannies, located inside the hood, doors, fenders, trunk frame, rocker panels and quarter panels. In simple words, rust proof wax creates a good sacrificial layer right on top of paint coat on your car body & around the cavities – which implies that all the contaminants have to face the wax first before these could attack the paint & the metal body itself. It creates a barrier that deflects the corrosive elements from harming the car. No wonder, some of the smart car owners consider the rust proof spray as something like their best buddy when it comes to car maintenance & protection.

It should be noted here that the car rust proof sprays have been long in the market but the traditional products were not wax-based. Some of the earliest undercoating products were manufactured from asphalt or chicken fat. Then, there were rust preventive sprays made from tar & tar-like compounds. But when it comes to performance and safety, the modern wax-based sprays seem to be the best and a far superior choice.

On one hand, the asphalt-made ones were corrosive themselves given their high sulfur content- on the other hand, the tar-based ones could not do much to prevent rusting on cars. Such coatings eventually chipped & broke away over time, trapping water in between which ultimately led to rust & corrosion in a big way. But there is no such issue with the wax-based ones and these are self-healing products. They never get too hard on the car body which allows the rustproofing material to flow evenly over the body & reseal it properly.

Monday 2 November 2015

Use Cavity Wax to Protect Your Car Cavities from Rust

Rust attack is inevitable in any car after you use it on road for a while and hence car owner must take proper steps to safeguard its car from the damaging menace. You should know that it’s the car cavities, such as the nooks & crannies & all hidden crevices are not usually as strongly protected during the painting procedure as the car’s exterior panels. Hence it’s needless to mention that you have to be more careful about your car cavities once you get your steam from the dealership. If you are hopeful about a long camaraderie with your car, you must take measures to protect the car cavities from rust on time.

There are cavity wax sprays today that help to prevent rust on your car’s cavities. These sprays could be solvent-free or solvent-based. The cavity wax spray displaces the moisture formed on the car nooks & crannies  & leaves back a sticky coat of wax over the metal that prevent any further moisture attack on the cavities. It’s advised to apply the cavity rust-proof wax under direct sunlight to assure good penetration in every seam. The cavity wax protection is especially needed in damp weather situations as humidity is notoriously conducive to moisture formation and consequently rust.

Below is a brief on how to apply the spray on your car cavities.

Step 1:

First of all, jack your vehicle up & rest the car on at least 4 axle stands. You must come up with the needed protection for your clothing and eyes as you would have to work underneath the vehicle.

Step 2:

Next, clean up dirt & debris from the drain holes of your car. Then, simply spray the cavity wax into cavities to create an even layer. Keep going with the spray till it goes to panel gaps and the holes. Make sure the coating is not insufficient for coverage.

The wax spray dries quickly and hence you won’t have to wait for long to get out on the road once again.

Many car owners make the mistake of not investing in a cavity wax spray given the fear of extra cost but what they don’t understand is that this is a very necessary extra. A little protection now would save your headache, heartache & empty pocket syndrome later on.

However, it’s to note here that the cavity wax protection is no one-time job. It must be done annually, especially with the approach of damp & cold season.

Monday 14 September 2015

Choosing Between Solvent Based and Water Based Rust Inhibitors

Protecting your favourite car from rust is a never-ending challenge. The best way to deal with rust is to act before you see that most dreaded trace of rust right in the corner of your door hinge. Many car owners are often confused when it comes to choosing the right rust inhibitor for their car. Read on to find out about the two types of rust inhibitors and what difference they bring in.

What is a Rust Inhibitor?

A rust inhibitor acts as a layer of protection between the surface of the car and the adverse effects of external contaminants, moisture and dirt. Rust inhibitors are of two main types and it is important to understand the pros and cons of both types to make the right choice based on individual need.

Solvent Based Inhibitors

Solvent based products prevent rust by forming a coating on the car surface to prevent the action of water on the metal. They can be directly applied to the surface without being diluted. The high surface tension of these inhibitors does not only keep moisture away but also displaces the residual moisture content completely. They have been the trusted source of rust prevention for severe conditions since long.

Water Based Inhibitors

These products are more economical than the solvent based inhibitors. They work by reducing the oxidation susceptibility of the metal and are also much easier to use. They can be applied to the surface of the car by using the spray or immersion techniques. Since this rust stopper does not eliminate the water completely they are more suitable for milder conditions.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Tips to Maintain Your Car during the Wet Season

Wet weather makes both driving and car maintenance a tedious task. Rain and snow are natural causes of accidents as well as car rust. Cars from the snow-clad region suffer the most during winter. To ensure a problem-free wet season for your car, the following tips must be considered.

Undercoat your Car

The first precautious measure for the wet season is to undercoat the car. This helps to fight the rust by protecting the highly vulnerable areas and by blocking small cracks or crevices that give way for rusting of the car body. Damage in the under body of the car allows moisture to seep into the interiors thus damaging the engine parts and posing some serious threat. A steam wash for the car followed by undercoating ensures better safety during the rainy season.

Regular Car Check-Ups

Cars must be checked for damage more frequently during the rainy season. Pay attention to the frame, chassis, door hinges as well as the paint surface. The metal components under the hood must also be checked frequently to understand the severity of the corrosion.

Keep the Car Spic and Span

While this may sound very obvious, it is often an overlooked pointer. It is mandatory that car owners take the time out to wash their car every time it is used on the snowy roads. If the car is vintage, it is certainly better to avoid driving it during the wet season as older cars are more susceptible to corrosion.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Tips to Protect Your Classic Car from Rust

Classic cars outlive time and trend and are a passion for many. They offer a sense of pride and demand much effort to stay in prime shape. The worst foe of classic cars is rust and it only takes the smallest crack to get the uninvited guest aboard. To preserve the heritage and memories of your classic car follow these simple steps on how to stop rust damage.

Trivial Changes May Add Value to the Car

Inspect the car regularly for the slightest sign of damage. Paint chips must be fixed immediately and small traces of rust can be removed using a rust remover. Replace the moisture absorbing carpet mats of the car with rubber mats to prevent spreading of rust from the interior.

Class Must Be Coupled With Cleanliness

Like any other car, vintage cars must also be washed after every use to remove all rash salts and debris from the road. Do not use a high pressure spray while washing as it may remove paint from the car’s surface. Car owners must pay attention to fenders and the under body while washing.

A Good Car Cover is a Great Investment

Many people use their classic assets only for special occasions and leave them undisturbed during the other days. This however does not mean the car is safe from rust. Soft indoor car covers are best suited for protecting the paint on the surface of the car. Combining this with a dehumidifier is the solution to protect the car from rust while it is safely parked in the garage.

Monday 24 August 2015

Is Rust Nature’s Bane?

Is Rust Nature’s Bane?

Rust is the strongest nemesis of a car. Rust proofing is an important exercise for every car owner to protect the aesthetic and economic value of the possession. Most people consider rust as an unwanted gift of nature. This is in fact true in a sense, as two important factors of nature impact the formation of rust in automobiles.


The metal surface of the car when exposed to extreme weather conditions becomes highly vulnerable to oxidation. Moisture from the air creeps into the clefts and rots the internal body parts of the vehicle. Snow clad roads are filled with abrasive salts and finally reach the under body of the car to corrode the metal. Rain is another strong contender when it comes to quick rusting.  Thus weather conditions play an important role in causing rust.

Geographical Location

The next important factors that influences rusting in cars in the location to which the car belongs. Living by the sea is like living a dream but it may just turn out to be a nightmare for your car. The salt-laden moisture from the air and the salt water are strong sources that cause easy rusting of the metal surface.

While it may be true that nature does play a vital role in influencing rust formation, it is human neglect that takes the central role in causing rust. Car owners from any part of the world can avoid rust by taking proactive steps such as cleaning the car regularly and choosing the best rust proofing products and techniques.