Vehicle rust proofing is a growing industry, although the face of rust proofing treatments has changed drastically over the last 20 years, according to experts on the Auto Guide website. As there are lots of elements that can cause corrosion to any vehicle, owners are willing to spend extra bucks just to keep their dream car corrosion and rust proof. There are multiple options as to how rust resistant proofing can be applied. It is up to the owners to choose an option best for the vehicle.
Auto Rust Proofing
Auto rust proofing has been practiced for quite some time now. Despite being a traditional method of car vehicle protection, a lot of car owners cannot fully comprehend the ins and outs of this process. Here are some questions that you could have in mind and the answers that will resolve everything.
How often do I need to apply anti-rust spray?
Generally speaking, the frequency of anti-rust application depends on the brand of the rust proofing spray that you are using. Some brands can last for two years while others need to be recoated after 12 months. Always check the label of the product or visit some car protection forums online to see which brand can last the longest.
Do the anti-rust coatings damage the vehicle?
Some anti-rust coatings contain ingredients that can be detrimental to rubber materials. It is important that contact to rubber parts be avoided during the application. As to the actual oil or wax applied, it is proven to be safe and cannot cause any defects to the vehicle.
Is drilling holes in my car necessary?
Depending on the method used in applying the coating, drilling holes on your car may be needed. Drilling of holes allows the dripping oil to spread up to the hard to reach areas of your vehicle ensuring thorough coating and protection. Most car owners become skeptical about this procedure but after reading from online forums, it is indeed necessary, and it is not an issue anymore.
Other than solvent-based coating are there other options for rust protection?
There are electric based modules that claim to prevent corrosion as effective as spray coatings. The mechanism involves allowing a weak electric current to run through the metals in the car base. It can prevent the development and spread of rust through an electro-chemical reaction. Although, most car owners claim that this is less effective method compared to solvent based coatings.
What type of rust proofing should I use?
Given several options to choose from, deciding a method that will work is a decision that you need to make. Try to consider the suggestions of your mechanic or your car care company. Take into account the cost that you are capable of spending. The most important thing is you need to ensure that your vehicle will be rust and corrosion free for the next few years.
Caring for your vehicle is a task that every car owner must undertake. Knowing how to protect your vehicle from rapid deterioration and which method is most applicable to you is a great advantage.
Are you looking for vehicle rust proofing? Contact Noxudol, an advanced line of Eco-friendly solvent free coatings from rust protection to sound damping. Noxudol offers a wide range of rust proofing products for rust protection, sound damping, pine tar, wood protection, and thermal insulation. To know more, visit or Call 800-997-6536
Auto Rust Proofing
Auto rust proofing has been practiced for quite some time now. Despite being a traditional method of car vehicle protection, a lot of car owners cannot fully comprehend the ins and outs of this process. Here are some questions that you could have in mind and the answers that will resolve everything.
How often do I need to apply anti-rust spray?
Generally speaking, the frequency of anti-rust application depends on the brand of the rust proofing spray that you are using. Some brands can last for two years while others need to be recoated after 12 months. Always check the label of the product or visit some car protection forums online to see which brand can last the longest.
Do the anti-rust coatings damage the vehicle?
Some anti-rust coatings contain ingredients that can be detrimental to rubber materials. It is important that contact to rubber parts be avoided during the application. As to the actual oil or wax applied, it is proven to be safe and cannot cause any defects to the vehicle.
Is drilling holes in my car necessary?
Depending on the method used in applying the coating, drilling holes on your car may be needed. Drilling of holes allows the dripping oil to spread up to the hard to reach areas of your vehicle ensuring thorough coating and protection. Most car owners become skeptical about this procedure but after reading from online forums, it is indeed necessary, and it is not an issue anymore.
Other than solvent-based coating are there other options for rust protection?
There are electric based modules that claim to prevent corrosion as effective as spray coatings. The mechanism involves allowing a weak electric current to run through the metals in the car base. It can prevent the development and spread of rust through an electro-chemical reaction. Although, most car owners claim that this is less effective method compared to solvent based coatings.
What type of rust proofing should I use?
Given several options to choose from, deciding a method that will work is a decision that you need to make. Try to consider the suggestions of your mechanic or your car care company. Take into account the cost that you are capable of spending. The most important thing is you need to ensure that your vehicle will be rust and corrosion free for the next few years.
Caring for your vehicle is a task that every car owner must undertake. Knowing how to protect your vehicle from rapid deterioration and which method is most applicable to you is a great advantage.
Are you looking for vehicle rust proofing? Contact Noxudol, an advanced line of Eco-friendly solvent free coatings from rust protection to sound damping. Noxudol offers a wide range of rust proofing products for rust protection, sound damping, pine tar, wood protection, and thermal insulation. To know more, visit or Call 800-997-6536
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