Monday 24 August 2015

Is Rust Nature’s Bane?

Is Rust Nature’s Bane?

Rust is the strongest nemesis of a car. Rust proofing is an important exercise for every car owner to protect the aesthetic and economic value of the possession. Most people consider rust as an unwanted gift of nature. This is in fact true in a sense, as two important factors of nature impact the formation of rust in automobiles.


The metal surface of the car when exposed to extreme weather conditions becomes highly vulnerable to oxidation. Moisture from the air creeps into the clefts and rots the internal body parts of the vehicle. Snow clad roads are filled with abrasive salts and finally reach the under body of the car to corrode the metal. Rain is another strong contender when it comes to quick rusting.  Thus weather conditions play an important role in causing rust.

Geographical Location

The next important factors that influences rusting in cars in the location to which the car belongs. Living by the sea is like living a dream but it may just turn out to be a nightmare for your car. The salt-laden moisture from the air and the salt water are strong sources that cause easy rusting of the metal surface.

While it may be true that nature does play a vital role in influencing rust formation, it is human neglect that takes the central role in causing rust. Car owners from any part of the world can avoid rust by taking proactive steps such as cleaning the car regularly and choosing the best rust proofing products and techniques.

Friday 21 August 2015

Choosing Between Electronic Corrosion Protection and Eco-Friendly Coatings for your Automobile

The availability of a number of products and devices in car rust prevention has left a lot of buyers confused about the right choice for their car. If you’re in a fix while having to choose between cathodic protection and eco-friendly coatings you can read on. It is easy to get hoodwinked by a pushy salesman or an alluring advertisement, but you must know the best method to defend your car at the end of the day. Here are some sound facts about both the methods that can help you make your choice.

Cathodic or Electronic Device
The corrosion protection used on buildings and large transport vessels has been fashioned into a product that may be applied to automobiles. Cathodic better known as electronic protection has been known to have a low success rate when it comes to automobiles. Although largely effective for edifices, the product that is offered in an enticing manner at an affordable price will do nothing for your vehicle.

Eco-Friendly Coatings
Even the use of the finest rust protection needs you to be mindful at times when your car may have salty water, snow and dirt stuck to the undercarriage. However with eco-friendly coatings that are an exceptional introduction to the corrosion prevention market, you can positively deter rust. These are solvent free and have an application on vehicles as well as marine and rail which just ads to their appeal. The reasonable prices that they are offered at make them the perfect investment for the health of your ride. To know more details visit

Thursday 13 August 2015

Is the Purchase of Car Rust Prevention Coatings Really Worth your While?

Almost every home has a car or maybe two, making it necessary to think about ways to increase the longevity of the vehicles. After all, not everyone can afford to bring home a swanky new automobile every year. One of the major causes for concern when it comes to automobiles is the matter or corrosion. This is especially true if you happen to reside in a place that has a cold or wet climate with snow and or rain. Read on to find out whether your purchase of rust protection is justified.

    – If you’re wondering whether corrosion prevention products will be a waste of your funds, you must know that it isn’t. Whether you live and drive in an area that is racked by the coldest winters or a place that has sultry summers and a real downpour, you will need a way to safeguard your automobile from rust.

    – Corrosion is something that most automobiles are susceptible to when an element of moisture lingers in the chassis or undercarriage of the vehicle. This can fester and lead to the complete breakdown of your vehicle, which is something every car owner wishes to avoid.

    – High level of salt present on roads for de-icing also tends to propagate rust. Simply washing your vehicle thoroughly is not sufficient to deter corrosion.

It is found best to use rust protection on your vehicle as a crucial element of protection. Those who wish to steer clear of solvents can opt for eco-friendly coatings and make a valuable investment for their automobile. To know more details visit

Wednesday 5 August 2015

What makes your Ride Rust and the Outcome of Such Corrosion

The widespread accessibility of rust prevention products has begged the question of what the nefarious rust actually does to vehicles. It is crucial that the average car owner understands the effects of corrosion on their automobile before investing in a product that will shield it from damage. Find out what happens to cars before they are offered protection by cavity wax.

– Taking a drive along rough roads that are covered with stones and mud or rubble tends to be detrimental to a lot of vehicles. This is because flying particles of mud and pebbles tend to graze the car’s paint and undercarriage. Although these areas are protected by rust coating when you purchased the automobile, the coating is eroded by the stones.

– Air pockets are another area where corrosion festers, damaging the structural integrity of the automobile.

– The finest model of automobile can crumble away if allowed to rust. Corrosion slowly spreads along the chassis eating away at the strong metal, reducing the stunning vehicle to a jalopy that isn’t fit to be driven.

– Weather beaten rides may not always look the part because the damage festers in areas that are not immediately visible to the eyes. However, if you travel around areas that have an abundance of rubble, snow or salt, you may be sure that there is a good chance of rust in your chassis.

In the spirit of being safe rather than sorry, people opt for an undercoat that is solvent free to ensure that vehicle is safeguarded against corrosion. To know more details visit

Sunday 2 August 2015

Details about Rust Proofing Products that Facilitate your Purchase

Unless you make a new car purchase every two years, you will have to look for a way in which to offer your ride rust protection. It is true that vehicles come protected by the manufactures; however, the coating soon chips away. It would be wise to look at a surefire way to ensure that your ride is free from corrosion. The only way in which to achieve this is to consider using a powerful anti-corrosive on your car.

How Long Corrosion Covers Last

How anti-corrosives work is by lengthening the life of your automobile; this is achieved by the deterrence of problems like the rusting of the fuel line that can be very expensive to fix. While many of the products offered today, work for the period of a year or a year and a half, there are solvent free options that last longer.

Products that are Quite Ineffective

From the many alternatives in the market, eco-friendly ones are the way to go because they have a very high rate of success as compared to others. All the same it is best to steer clear of electronic protection and products that tend to have a dense application. This is simply because the former is quite ineffective, while the latter may cause air pockets in which rust builds up. Acquainting yourself with these factors helps you chose an effective yet long lasting application like rust proof wax that will ensure your vehicle’s undercarriage is devoid of corrosion even after years of usage.

This entry was posted in Blog, Rust Proofing Products on July 30, 2015 by admin.  To know more details visit