Monday 12 June 2017

A Complete Guide to Understanding Cavity Wax

rustproof wax

Most people believe that rust spoils only the aesthetic appeal of a car. However, rust can indeed eat away the most functional parts of the vehicle, bring down its performance and erode the asset into useless metal scrap.

How to stay away from rust?

From cleaning the car interiors and exteriors regularly and after every long road trip to inspecting the susceptible areas for traces of rust often, there are multiple ways to keep rust away. One such effective way to prevent car rust is the use of cavity wax.

What is cavity wax and how does it help in preventing rust?

While rustproofing a car, vehicle owners tend to overlook the cavities present on the body of the car. Since the cavities are deep and enclosed, abrasion may not be a potential trouble. But these cavities can easily retain moisture and thus allow the formation of rust. Cavity wax (also referred to as a rustproof wax) is used to treat body cavities of a car and prevent rust formation by displacing the moisture content from the cavities.

Is cavity wax an absolute necessity?

Yes. No rust proofing method pays special attention to cavities of the car’s body and the best cavity wax is spray atomized, reaches out to the narrowest places easily and removes all chances of rust. Apart from fighting rust, cavity wax can also protect the vehicle from paint chipping off or any other damage caused through normal wear and tear.

Do all cars need cavity wax?

Yes. Any average driver for a small city wishes to protect his vehicle from rust. By sealing the crevices of the car, the cavity wax protects the vehicle from moisture, dust, grime and salt from the snow-clad roads. If you are planning for a long road trip and believe you will be exploring different types of land terrains, then opt for cavity wax even without a second thought. All heavy-duty vehicles and commercial trucks, tractors, camper trailers must be subjected to cavity wax treatment for prolonged life of the vehicle. Ignoring the importance of cavity wax can lead to car owners spending too much money in dealing with car damage in the long run.

How to apply cavity wax to the car?

The cavity wax application can be completed at home with the right set of tools and the best cavity wax available in the market. Before the application process commences, the car owner must have the protective gloves on and must ensure that the floor beneath the car is well-protected too. Since, we cannot see the inner surface of the cavity, the cavity wax must fill up the crevices until the wax starts to drip out.

Cavity wax prevents rust permanently when applied right and prolongs the life of the care by many, many years too.

A Little about Noxudol:

Noxudol is an advanced line of Eco-friendly solvent free coatings from rust protection to sound damping. All the products are manufactured and engineered to provide exceptional rust protection to all motor vehicles, industrial, marine and rail. To know more, visit or Call 800-997-6536

Friday 26 May 2017

Common Methods of Rust Prevention

Rust protection for cars

If you are about to buy a new car, your car dealers would urge you to buy extended warranties and protection packages. Rust protection for cars is one of the most commonly recommended add-ons. Still, most buyers are often confused about its value. This is because, most of the cars produced today come with inbuilt corrosion protection and the manufacturers offer a warranty period of 5 years or more for it.

However, people who have extended car loans that can last up to 8 years can consider making a small investment for vehicle rust proofing. This becomes more important if you live in a coastal area or a place where winter salt is a major contributor of corrosion. Some common methods to treat rust are given here,

Electronic module

This is a small device which is installed in your car. By sending weak current through the metal, it can stop rusting theoretically. This is highly recommended by many car dealerships because it is easier to fit and costs higher. However, the jury is still out about this method and reviews given by both experts and owners are mixed.

Car undercoating

It is a tar-based spray method where black, tar-like substance is applied on the floor pans, wheel wells, and other exposed parts in the underbody of your car. This spray gets hardened eventually and offers a protective shield that can protect your car from moisture, salt, and other elements permanently. This works best for freshly bought vehicles. It is available in two types,

•    Solvent based spray

It usually consists of solvents, rust inhibitors, waxes and others. It is capable of guarding your car against rust and abrasion. It can also work well against road salt and moisture.  Other than cars, it can effectively provide protection for industrial products stored outdoor.

•    Solvent free spray

These solvent free products are usually made of viscosity binding agents and additives. It adheres to the car as a soft film during application and then gets hardened, forming a waxy anti corrosive protection.

Dripless oil spray

It is a very dense and wax like substance and is applied to the entire body of the car. Similar to the tar-based undercoating, it hardens over time but is colorless.

Drip oil spray

It is more watery than the dripless spray and thus could reach more areas. However, it continues to drip for about 48 hours after the application. Hence, you would have to take precautionary measures not to leave stains in the area.

Rust prevention after its occurrence

By taking immediate action, you can prevent it from doing further damage. Use a steel brush and attempt to remove it. Once you have removed it, clean the spot with a rust killer. Then, you can use spray that act as a rust inhibitor for cars.

Rust protection for cars can be really beneficial if you plan to have your car around for a long time.

A Little about Noxudol:

Noxudol is an advanced line of Eco-friendly solvent free coatings from rust protection to sound damping. All the products are manufactured and engineered to provide exceptional rust protection to all motor vehicles, industrial, marine and rail. To know more, visit or Call 800-997-6536

Sunday 12 March 2017

All That You Need To Know About Auto Undercoating

auto undercoating

In the 20th century, rust proofing was a tad bit different from what we make it out to be today. Back then, rust proofing wasn’t aimed at rust prevention at all! It was mainly to reduce and lessen the loud noise. However, rust proofing has indeed become a reality for most of us today. Commonly, rust proofing is also known as undercoating. As the very name suggests, the car surfaces are given a coating of rust proof material before applying the paint. That helps the metal surface last longer and also provides adequate protection.

Now there has been a lot said about how undercoating is a sheer waste of money. But is it? Well, that actually depends on a number of things. Let’s take a look at some of them and a few pros and cons of undercoating:

•    Ask yourself a simple question beforehand. Are you planning to lease the car? If yes, how long are you planning to lease it for? If you are planning on leasing it for three to five years, undercoating isn’t all that necessary. Anyway, rust doesn’t begin to show its ugly face until the fifth year. So why would you waste your money on undercoating? However, if you are extra cautious and want your car to run as smoothly as ever, you could get a spray of rust proof paint from time to time.

•    Galvanised steel is mainly used by car makers to manufacture those specific vulnerable areas of the car like fenders, floors and doors. When we say galvanised, it means that the metal would be given a coating of zinc. Now while that is absolutely fine, you must remember that this coating of zinc is bound to be lost when car makers weld the metal. So what do you do? Of course, you get it rust proofed. You don’t want the metal surfaces of your doors and fenders to get corroded, do you? Hence, the need for auto undercoating.

•    If you are planning to go for rust proofing, there is one thing you need to remember. Most of these companies provide you with a lifetime guarantee. However, like everything else, they come with limitations and conditions. To ensure that your car is in top notch condition, you will have to get your car checked at regular intervals. You will also have to get it cleaned and washed to ensure that dirt isn’t accumulating in unsuspecting areas. If you fail to get your cars checked from time to time, that could nullify the lifetime warrantee.

So you see, car undercoating isn’t as simple as it seems. There is a lot more to it than meets the eye. It would be advisable to analyze each little aspect before you actually take the plunge.

A Little About Noxudol:

Noxudol is an advanced line of Eco-friendly solvent free coatings from rust protection to sound damping. All the products are manufactured and engineered to provide exceptional rust protection to all motor vehicles, industrial, marine and rail. To know more, visit or Call 800-997-6536

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Why Is It Important To Get Your Car Rust Proofed?

 rust inhibitor for cars

Stating it rather bluntly, rust is undesirable; it is unsightly, unsafe and nothing short of a hassle. If you remember your science classes back in middle school, you will know that almost all items made of metal, especially iron, are prone to rusting. Yes, that includes your car. If you’ve bought it recently, it looks all shiny and new now. Wait for a few years. Let it endure a couple of monsoons. You’ll surely notice hints of the dreaded rust here and there. Remember, no one likes a car that’s ridden with rust; it rapidly depreciates the value of your car and you might have trouble selling it later.

Hence, it is advisable to go for rust inhibitors when you buy the car. As they say, prevention is always better than cure. Once the rust sets in, it is nearly impossible to get rid of. Even if you manage to, it’ll cost you a fortune. Here are some tips regarding rust inhibitor for cars:

•    Keep in mind that painted surfaces will not oxidise; however, metal surfaces that are bare will. You need to protect these bare surfaces from the elements. When you buy the car, getting an automobile rust inhibitor will do the trick. You could apply it onto the bare surface and keep retouching it from time to time to get the best results.

•    Also, wash the undercarriage of your car at regular intervals. If you fear that your car’s undercarriage may be prone to corrosion, then get it checked. You can also get your hands on a rust inhibitor spray. Now these sprays have been specially developed for those portions of the car which aren’t all that easily accessible, like the undercarriage.

•    It is best if you keep some touch up paint ready with you at all times. Haven’t cleaned your car in a while? Haven’t been too careful when it comes to rust protection? Well, it’s okay. There’s still time. You can go through the external surface of your car and point out places that you think needs retouching. When it doubt, just apply a coat of paint. A coating of rust proof paint can go a long way in protecting your car from rust and corrosion.

•    Most cars today are made with a kind of galvanizing steel that is bound to last longer. But here is the thing – rust doesn’t appear anyway before the 5th year. By then, most warrantees expire and manufacturers couldn’t care less. In that case, there is only one thing you could do. You could get your car rust proofed or get a layer of rust inhibitor. It has been proven to be helpful.

The above pointers are sure to come in handy if you feel that your car’s prone to corrosion. Don’t worry, there are a few things you could do and rust proofing is just one of them.

Click Here to know more about car rust proofing.

A Little About Noxudol:

Noxudol is an advanced line of Eco-friendly solvent free coatings from rust protection to sound damping. All the products are manufactured and engineered to provide exceptional rust protection to all motor vehicles, industrial, marine and rail. To know more, visit or Call 800-997-6536

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Make Your Car Look and Feel Good Again with the Right Rust Proofing Spray

Rust Proofing Spray

Did you know rust has been described as the cancer of the world of automobiles? In vehicle parts where the paint has been scratched or chipped rust can form and spread underneath the paint. It badly affects the vehicle structure and leads to large repair bills. The rust weakens the metals and makes it unattractive if left unattended. Using rust proofing spray prevents rust from forming in the first place, stops spreading of the existing rust and improves the performance of your vehicle on the road.

Common Mistakes When Rustproofing a Vehicle

Rustproofing Only the Exterior of the Vehicle

If you miss to rust proof certain areas of vehicle, it will not protect your vehicle even if you rustproof annually. Keep in mind, rust can form in hidden places and can become a huge trouble to the smooth operation of your vehicle before it becomes visible. So, rustproof your vehicle carefully and apply proper protection in the enclosed places where moisture can collect.

Using the Wrong Type Rustproof Products

Today, there are numerous types of rustproofing products in the market and choosing the wrong one would end up in trouble. It can be even worse than a lack of protection! The common mistake everyone makes is buying a sealant for their old car. Even though sealants have the capability to protect your vehicles from rusting elements, it cannot halt the spread of the rust that is already present. New cars can benefit from applying sealant, but when it comes to old cars undercoating is the best option. With undercoating, you can form a layer of protective coating and prevent rusting. Also, using oil rustproof spray can repel moisture in every nooks and crannies of vehicles.

Seal Damages

Another common mistake people make is not protecting seals while rustproofing their vehicles. Even if oil sprays work on both new and old cars for preventing rust, they are blamed for damaging rubber seals. So, while rustproofing your car, apply a coat of silicone to seals and wrap windshield wipers to avoid any damages to seals.

Neglecting Problems

Un-attending minor problematic issues can lead to a great disaster. A small patch of rust in an invisible area can turn your vehicle into a junker with lacy and brittle areas. So, watch out for signs like bubbles in paint, nicks, scratches and cracks in the vehicle’s paint, and more.

By avoiding these simple common mistakes, your vehicle can gain a better appearance, smooth function and a higher resale value. Buying a rustproofing spray can do you more wonders! Here are a few tips to buy a rustproofing spray.

Tips to Buy a Rustproofing Spray

There are many rustproofing products in the market and if you are opting for the best one, then consider these following facts:

Brand Reputation

Before buying any rustproofing spray, ensure that you get it from a brand of highest reputation. This is because, there are many companies out there who offer rust proofing products that are not yet proven. Go for brands with products that are already proven and read about the products the company has been making before committing your money. Try getting rust inhibitor spray from Noxudol USA because they have an advanced line of Eco-friendly solvent free coatings from rust protection to sound damping.

Know the Type

With the greatest advancements in the automobile industry, the popular tar-based products are giving way to solvent free oils and drip and dripless oil sprays. These products can be used in every part of your car and come with many benefits. So before making a choice, make sure to know the type of the product which would be suitable for your vehicle.

Know the Solutions

Whenever you are looking for a rust proofing product, be aware of the different options available around you. The best manufacturers of rustproofing substances like Noxudol USA stocks a wide range of products including undercoats, rust proofing, coating wax, rust prevention sprays and more. So, make a simple research to find out the type of protection you want for your vehicle and convenience.

Other Car-care Tips

We have also compiled a list of car-care tips for winter to protect your car from the damages of road salt.

* Thoroughly wash your car including the undercarriage before the arrival of winter.

* Apply a layer of cavity wax followed by wax sealant and undercoating

* Use a rust inhibitor spray to seal the undercarriage.

* Keep your vehicle as clean as possible and wash it at least twice in a week.

* Re-wax and seal your cars whenever you wash it.

* Carefully inspect and dry the edges of doors, car interior and exterior including the underbodies.

* Use a good quality rust proofing sprays on all the exterior rubber surfaces.

Using a high quality rust proofing products can keep moisture away to prevent corrosion. So, why wait? Visit now to find a product that protects your car and gives a new life.

A Little About Noxudol:

Noxudol is an advanced line of Eco-friendly solvent free coatings from rust protection to sound damping. All the products are manufactured and engineered to provide exceptional rust protection to all motor vehicles, industrial, marine and rail. To know more, visit or Call 800-997-6536

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Vehicle Rust Proofing – What You Ought to Know?

Vehicle Rust Proofing
Vehicles are the biggest purchase one would ever make and everyone wants this asset to last longer. According to a recent report estimate every additional year you can keep a vehicle on the road, you could save as much as $3,000 to $4,000. But unfortunately, if you visit the streets of Southern USA, you can see different kinds of late model vehicles on the streets that look like they were just driven off the lot. Yes! Snow, salt and rust is the biggest enemies that damage the pretty look and feel of your car while feeding on your wallet.

Generally, there are many different methods to rustproof your vehicle and some of the methods work really well better than the other. Some people also recommend oil spraying method, if you want to try and keep your car in pristine shape.

Top 5 Cars that Rust Very Quickly

Some reports specify that little patches or bubble of rust that appear on the paint surface of the car is just a cosmetic issue while the rust on the thin arts of the car or on the frame can pose serious problems. Here, we have compiled a list of a few models of cars that can rust easily compared to others.

➢ All Mazdas, with the Mazda 3, 5, Tribute, and MPV are rated as very weak resistance and are considered as the worst performers for corrosion resistant.

➢ Jeep TJ and Wrangler, the popular known sport vehicles can face some issues dealing with rust-related damage from rough terrain.

➢ Ford’s Focus, Escape, and Explorer are labeled with “weak resistance”.

➢ For its Relay and Vue models, Saturn shares the weak resistance ranking.

➢ Rendez-Vous and Terraza

If you are the one who own cars of any of the above models, then you must have noticed that these cars rust quickly. Despite of the type of the car, other environmental conditions like snow, salt and rain can affect the external and internal structure of your car and causes costly repairs. So, protecting your car from rust is a key to maintaining its usefulness and appearance.

Why Vehicle Rust Proofing Important?

With the use of road salts to melt snow on the road, the lower areas of the cars began to rust. You may think that the advancements in the car manufacturing process, including draining holes and additional crevices can make excess moisture to escape. But the reality is, with more cars on the road, wear and tear will accumulate and gradually degrades the external and internal structure of your car.

To escape from this danger, vehicle rust proofing materials has been introduced to prevent corrosion and rust build up on your vehicle. Here are a few easy ways to prevent rusting or corrosion of your vehicle parts.

➢ Protect the floor of your vehicle with rubber mats to prevent moisture and road salt from getting into your car.

➢ Wash and clean your vehicle throughout the winter and especially after driving down salt-treated roads. But note that, whenever you wash your vehicle in the winter the temperature should not be lower than freezing. If so, wait till temperatures rise to freezing.

➢ Dry areas that are often prone to collect moisture.

➢ If you are unable to wash your vehicles, be sure to remove snow from the wheel wells and behind the wheels.

➢ Undercoat or rust proof your vehicle to keep it safe from the effects of moisture and road salts. Choose a professional to undercoat your vehicle rather than trying it yourself and apply it the right way for optimal protection.

Importance of Undercoating

People living in places where seasonal changes can have a negative impact on their car choose to undercoat or rustproof their vehicles. Undercoating is nothing but adding an extra layer of paint to the lower side of the car which acts as an additional layer of protection. This extra layer also acts as a sound dampener that makes operating the vehicle much quieter on the road. Undercoating or rustproofing provides you a numerous options to choose from and knowing these techniques help you to choose the right one for your vehicle.

Different Methods of Rustproofing

➢ Electronic Method

➢ Undercoating Method

➢ Dripless Oil Spray

➢ Drip Oil Spray

The Bottom Line

Rust is the bane of every vehicles existence which eats away your vehicle until it’s un-drivable. Rust proofing your car avoids any costly repairs, replacement of damaged parts, preserves the pristine look and makes it last for a longer time. So why wait? Choose the right rust inhibitor for cars from and enjoy a longer ride on the road.

Click Here to know more about vehicle rust proofing.

A Little About Noxudol:

Noxudol is an advanced line of Eco-friendly solvent free coatings from rust protection to sound damping. All the products are manufactured and engineered to provide exceptional rust protection to all motor vehicles, industrial, marine and rail. To know more, visit or Call 800-997-6536

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Undercoating – Save your Car from the Invasion of Rust!

rust protection

Car undercoating is often overlooked by several vehicle owners, despite its relevance in increasing the lifespan of cars. Undercoating and rust proofing your vehicle can really save your car from the phenomenon of rust and corrosion. As your car constantly comes in contact with several substances outdoors such as water, dirt and debris, the chances for it to corrode is very high. Here’s an in-depth view of car undercoating you need to know.

Car Undercoating – An Overview

A protective layer that is applied to the undercarriage is called as undercoating. As you use your car for several years, the undercarriage is subjected to wear and tear and is often left unnoticed by most car owners. Unless and until you apply sufficient undercoating to the undercarriage, it would be prone to mechanical damage due to weathering.

How is Undercoating done?

Undercoating is usually suggested to be performed by experienced professionals. Application of undercoating is required to be done meticulously and is always wise to be left to the experts if you aren’t quite acquainted with the works. Even though it is possible to perform undercoating without the use of professional tools or expert assistance, the end results would not be satisfactory.

Undercoating & Rust Proofing – Is there a Difference?

If you browse through different measures used to protect your undercarriage, you might have also come across rust proofing as well. However undercoating and rust proofing are in no way related to each other. Rust proofing is similar to undercoating, except for the fact that the former has a shorter lifespan than the latter.

Methods of Undercoating

When you have decided to apply undercoating to your vehicle, there are different options for you to choose from. Here’s what you need to know:

1.    Passage of Electric Current: With the help of an electronic device installed on your car, a weak electric current will be passed to inhibit the effects of corrosion or rust. This is a budding technology that has been receiving only moderate reviews.

2.    Undercoating Products: This method involves spraying over certain parts of a vehicle’s body that requires protection. Once it hardens, the coating gives enough protection against salt, moisture and other substances. This shall better be done with the help of an expert.

3.    Dripless Oil Spray: A wax-like substance will be sprayed over the entire body, which will dry and get hardened. The only disadvantage is that holes need to be drilled at specific points of the car before application.

4.    Drip Oil Spray: This is one amongst the most commonly adopted rust protection measures. Once applied, dripping continues as long as they become dry. Dripping can last up to 48 hours.

Click Here to know more interesting and useful facts about undercoating your cars.

A Little About Noxudol:

Noxudol is an advanced line of Eco-friendly solvent free coatings from rust protection to sound damping. All the products are manufactured and engineered to provide exceptional rust protection to all motor vehicles, industrial, marine and rail. To know more, visit or Call 800-997-6536